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dimanche 9 septembre 2012

Mornings like this

Je ne dis pas que je me serais levée exprès pour assister à cet "évènement" mais on m’avait indiqué quelque temps auparavant qu'ils allaient ouvrir ce pont à l'occasion de ce festival. Étant d'une envergure certaine, 120 mètres de long tout de même,  j'aurais vraiment voulu le voir pivoter au-dessus de la Liffey.. 

Mais bon, on ne peut pas être partout hein! J'aurais dû patienter, mon hyper-activité me perdra.

Ci-dessous les fameux clichés pris de l’autre côté de la véritable action du jour ! Pas de regrets, les paysages en valent la peine.. Et les photos aussi !  


1 commentaire:

  1. English Translation:

    Pic 1: There are some mornings like this, I can't sleep anymore, rectification: my BODY can't sleep anymore. And even though it is 5h58 in the morning and that we are on SUNDAY, my body decided to wake up, end of the discussion..
    Pic 2: So I try, I fight against myself, I try to find some unsuspected sleepy power inside of me.. And at some point.. I give up.
    Pic 3: and at 7h45 in Dublin, I should find something nice to do, shouldn't I??
    Pic 4: Ohh, I forgot about it, it's the Tall Ships Festival in Dublin. Tall ships coming from all over the world. Wonderful!
    They even opened Samuel Beckett Bridge to let pass the boats!
    Pic 5: It looks like they will close it soon, I can see some people waiting for something overthere. Let's go further to take some pictures and come back quickly, don't wanna miss that!
    Pic 6: It's beautiful, very nice, ??, noooo !

    I wouldn't say that I'd have woke up especially for this "event" but I would have liked so much watching this bridge hinging on the Liffey. But well, I can't be everywhere at the same time. Hyperactivity will be my downfall..

    Below the pictures taken while the "real action" took place. Enjoy it !
